
Christmas Gifts for Wine Lovers from Beginner to Connoisseur

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Christmas wine Christmas wine

Christmas gifts for every type of wine lover

The internet is full of exciting gifts for wine lovers this Christmas season, and we would be delighted to receive any one of them. However, to help make your decisions thoughtful and personal for the wine lover in your life, take a moment to consider under which category he or she falls.

By category, we refer to – of course – our lovingly designed wine lover t-shirts (which, incidentally, would also make a great gift!).

 Wine Pass t-shirt

Buy the wine lover t-shirt here - €15.00


Wine Connoisseur Wine Connoisseur

Maxwell & Williams


Unique decanter 

The wine connoisseur will already have nice stemware, and an otherwise high quality inventory of wine tools. But even if they already have a decanter, an eye-catching design will make your gift their favorite. Try this elegant decanter by Maxwell and Williams Sensations, or, for a steeper price tag, look at Riedel pieces or the handcrafted sculptures by Etienne Meneau


Wine Collector Wine Collector




Your wine collecting friend has many special bottles waiting for him. The Coravin lets him taste his exclusive wines a little at a time by inserting a thing, hollow needle through the cork and pressuring the wine with argon (an inert gas with no effect on the taste). When done, the cork reseals itself like magic with no oxidation to the wine.



World Market wine rack


World Market wine rack

An enthusiastic collector may have overreached his storage capacity, yet isn’t quite ready to install a wine cellar. This basic rack from World Market fits 44 bottles and is just the right size to fit in lonely, non-wine-filled corners.



Wine writer Wine Writer

Wine Folly Complete Wine Descriptions


Wine Folly's Complete Wine Descriptions Chart

Even wine writers with the most fluid of pens can experience writer’s block when they have to describe wine. A glance at this poster from Wine Folly will inspire and help get that word off the tip of their tongue.




Moleskine Wine Journal

Moleskine wine journal 

Help your wine writer friend remember and record his many wine tastings, travels, bottles purchased, glasses ordered, and every other wine moment. The wine journal from Moleskine has 6 theme-based sections (Sparkling, White, Rosè, Red, Fortified/Sweet, Spirits), blank pages for notes, and adhesives and colored sticker icons.



Wine Guru Wine Guru


Wine Grapes by Jancis Robinson

Wine Grapes by Jancis Robinson or 
World Atlas of Wine by Hugh Johnson & Jancis Robinson

Either of these books can be considered an essential if your wine guru friend truly wants to know everything about wine. Wine Grapes looks at 1,386 vine varieties with stunning illustrations; and the 7th edition of the World Atlas of Wine is an indispensable and classic reference. 



Wine Beginner Wine Beginner


Wine Wars trivia game

Wine Wars trivia game

The Wine Wars trivia game is fun and basic enough for beginners to learn about wine without leaving them floundering in a proliferation of facts. The questions fall under Vine to Vino (production), Wine Cellar (tasting), and Cork Culture (the wine world). A glass of wine while playing is highly recommended.




Vacu Vin wine saver

Vacu Vin wine saver or a Champagne stopper

A wine beginner might not have either one of these handy tools yet. The Vacu Vin wine saver vacuums out the air, while this Champagne stopper from Crate&Barrel keeps the sparkling wine as effervescent as the day the cork was popped.



Wine Lush Wine Lush

Dacor WineStation


Kitchen wine station by Dacor

For the true imbiber, this four-bottle dispenser keeps wines fresh for 60 days. Furthermore, it would be a very impressive addition to a bar or kitchen; your wine-loving friend always have their favorites at hand. The only real downside is the $5,000 price tag.





Buy your wine lush friend elegant stemware so they’re encouraged to stop drinking from the bottle. Also, because a 5K price tag is unrealistic for a Christmas gift (if you don't think so, will you be my friend?). Riedel is a classic mark and would be very much appreciated; but whether you go big or buy something slightly less costly, opt for a set of 4 to 6 each of large bodied glasses and spumante flutes. To complete, buy glasses with a smaller body and mouth to be used for whites (the larger red wine glasses can be used for reds and whites).



Wine Scout Wine Scout


VingardeValise wine suitcase

VingardeValise: the ultimate wine suitcase

Your wine scout friend is always traveling to find new and exciting wines, but has the universal problem of buying too many wine bottles to take home every time. Help him out with this highly rated "winecase," the VingardeValise.



Day of the dead corkscrew

Wine corkscrews

One can never have enough corkscrews, especially if they’re occasionally confiscated at airports. Make your own gift pack with 4 basic and 1 unique corkscrew (we like this Day of the Dead version by Kikkerland Design Inc.!).



Wine Socialite Wine Socialite


Grape earring

Wine jewelry

Your lovely wine socialite is present at all the wine tastings and parties. Give her classy wine bling to stand out in the crowd. The grape motif is popular, but don't rule out grape leaves, wine glasses, funky cork pendants, or even repurposed wine glass. This tasteful piece is from Les Néréides with their lovely Fruits d'Automne line.



Wine Geek Wine Geek


Champagne saber


A champagne saber would be a truly awesome gift, and no one would appreciate it more than the wine geek. After all, it’s something new to learn and carries serious kudos: saber the spumante! Perhaps once your friend has learned to slice off the top, he'll teach you, too.




The Essence of Wine by Alder Yarrow

Neurogastronomy by Gordon M. Shepherd or
The Essence of Wine by Alder Yarrow

Take a deeper look at the "human brain flavor system" with Neurogastronomythe perfect book to get into the nitty gritty details of how our sense of smell works. Or, for a more wine-central book, the new and artistic The Essence of Wine by Alder Yarrow is "an incredible collection of intimate images and accompanying prose that celebrate the different individual flavors and aromas found in wine."


Cover photo from Vitek Kloc, CC. License


Last modified onWednesday, 14 January 2015 11:36
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