
N.2 March 2013

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Wine Pass's journey continues with its second edition. We'd like to thank all of those who were so welcoming during the production process: from the world of wine producers to tour operators, from public institutions to individuals, we can say we've hit the mark by offering a new and tasty opportunity to those who choose Piedmont as a destination for visiting vineyards and wineries. We haven't forgotten all of its related aspects, either: events and manifestations, hotels, restaurants, beautiful and delicious things to buy and to see (expositions, museums, trails, scenic views, monuments, castles, and so much more).

Without a doubt, our goal to encourage interaction with readers as one of our main points of force was well-planned. We've received many timely and effective suggestions that will help us to continually improve. Certainly, we still have some creases to iron out, but we're confident that we will grow and improve over time, while some suggestions we hope to put into effect immediately.

However, this edition represents a significant step for our young publishing company, for it preludes the launch of our bilingual website Wine Pass (, where this interactivity with the tourist will become ever more evident. We pass our word therefore to the rights of the very protagonists of some of the most well-known and celebrated actors of the wine world: to the wine makers, to event reporters, and to what's becoming a continually-updated wine web TV, rich with content and curiosities, news, information, and interviews.

The protagonist of this edition is Moscato, the “sweet” side of Piedmont. “The sweet side of Piedmont," “The hills of Moscato,” a presentation by the Regional Wine Shop of Mango, and the Focus piece on Canelli (the historical capital of Italian spumante) are dedicated to this bubbly beverage. And of course, don't miss out on the newest itineraries that run through all of the viticultural zones of Piedmont.

Beyond promoting wine as a touristic and cultural impetus, more than the discovery of traditional flavors, new wineries, and new wine people, Wine Pass is also intent on dedicating a particular space to the UNESCO candidature (the only one in Italy this year) for the Langhe, Roero, and Monferrato territory. This territory is a candidate to receive recognition as a World Heritage Site for its unique viticultural landscape. Our ambition is to become the spokesman for this territory, which we hold to be extremely important, until it is recognized officially as it already is in fact – we want to show you the Langhe, Roero, and Monferrato territory that represents one of the world's most excellent places in terms of viticulture and wine.

Such a recognition would contribute to making the entire Piedmontese wine territory an even more appetizing touristic destination than it already is.


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