Wine Pass Nominations: Name Your Top 3 Wines from Piemonte
- Written by Diana Zahuranec
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We want to know your top three wines from Piemonte, and we’ve launched the Wine Pass Nominations so you can tell us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. So get on your platform, call out your favorite three Piemontese wines using the hashtag #Piemontewine, and tell three friends to do the same.
What are the best wines of Piemonte? Which are the most popular? Which Piemontese wines have remained in your memory, whether through a trip, event, wine tasting, special toast, or simply because they were so remarkably good?
Wine Pass is asking you. You might be a wine geek, a seeker of rare wines, a wine hedonist, or simply an occasional wine drinker – it doesn’t matter. As we like to say, “We are all wine lovers,” and everyone, regardless of where you see yourself in the wine world, may participate.
We began the Nominations on October 2, and they will run all through October. We ask you to name your top three Piemontese wines – some wine lovers have already spontaneously formed their own categories, but you may also name three without rhyme, reason, or justification. To be considered in our final counting, use the hashtag #piemontewine or #winepass on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. You may comment on one of our facebook posts, Instagram pictures, or tweets, or feel free to create a brand new one. And, if someone tags you in a comment or post, don’t hesitate to nominate three wines and three friends yourself. Just don’t forget to use the hashtag #piemontewine (or #winepass) or we might not see your nomination.
So go through old tasting notes; comb through your memory; or, perhaps the preferred way, get tasting! At the end of October, Wine Pass will gather the various responses to find a pattern in top wine preferences, and report the most beloved and most drunk of all Piemontese wines.